Founder’s Mindset Program

Unlock your full potential

Your mindset gets in the way?

Maybe it slows you down, prohibit you from taking a big leap of faith, or just creates unnecessary noise… It feels like if you trusted yourself more, if you had a quieter mind, you could do so much more.

Guess what? You can train your mind to reach your full potential.

For the next 6-month, allow me to be your sparring partner, we’ll strengthen your mindset, support your business goals and have some fun along the way.

The bulk of it:

  • Individual, personalized program with monthly 1:1 sessions to work on:

✓ Relationships with team, partners & co-founders

✓ Mindset realignment, reducing overwhelm

✓ Vision and strategic thinking

✓ Resilience management

✓ Accountability and prioritisation

  • Exclusive access to emergency sessions for when something big happens

  • Ongoing email support, I have your back!

Key Results

Before: Difficulty in managing and motivating the team or business partners

After: Leading with confidence and clarity, resulting in a motivated and high-performing team / partnerships

Before: Lacking a clear business strategy and vision for the future.

After:Developing a solid strategic plan that guides the business toward long-term success.

Before: Constantly feeling overwhelmed by business pressures and unable to relax.

After: Implementing effective stress management techniques and realistic resourcing and resting strategy

Before: Struggling with analysis paralysis and second-guessing every decision.

After: Making confident, swift decisions that propel the business forward.

Before: Feeling stuck and unable to find solutions to business challenges.

After: Applying creative problem-solving techniques to overcome obstacles and drive innovation.

100% of clients report a significant increase in self-confidence

What clients say ⭐️

  • Orianne is the best, she is so spot in with her advice - she sees you! I love our sessions, leave them uplifted, optimistic and with actionable list of ideas. Thank you, Orianne!

    Olha - Tech Business owner

  • Orianne was fantastic. She’s clearly a very professional leadership coach and went straight to the areas that I needed help on. I came away with some great advice on how to develop as an early-stage leader.

    Russell - Founder in EdTech

  • Working with Orianne has been a transformative experience for me. Her calm and supportive approach was a refreshing change and resonated deeply with me. Over the past three months, Orianne has adeptly guided me in setting realistic goals, sharpening my focus on what truly matters, and significantly boosting my self-confidence.

    Ninlil, Founder in Marketing

  • With patience, kindness, perceptive listening, warmth, and wise advice she enlightened me and gave me new, inspiring ideas for potential pathways. It felted like an open-heart surgery in which I succeeded to feel comprehended, appreciated and valued. Thank you, Orianne!

    Arie - Business owner

Why this program

Running your business requires constant mindset adjustment.

It can get lonely, it can be overwhelming, some days it’s a lot. You need a dedicated space.

You need time for strategic thinking, for creativity, to zoom out, or in. A space where you can vent, dissect what’s at play in your mind, in your business and in your relationships.

You need support and tools. A partner with no skin in your business, but genuinely caring for you.

Someone rooting for you, challenging you, pushing you to improve and grow. Mindset and business support, so you can thrive, this time with a quiet mind.


  • Program is tailored to your needs, here's the general structure of it:

    • Meet one hour every month 1:1

    • First session: define clear mindset and business goals

    • Topic of following sessions is set 24h in advance over email

    • Accountability check in over email (weekly or bi-weekly)

    • Last session: wrap up, delivery of a mindset toolbox and all coaching notes in one document

  • Mindset as a founder is everything. Number one benefit is an improved mindset.

    We create a toolbox for your mind: with each sessions we define your trigger point, and how you best deal with them. So that when it happens again, you have a protocol to help you move past it. 

    Immediate results is a quieter mind, the space to look at situations from a new perspective. This means better business decisions, and frankly an improved lifestyle.

  • I've got you!

    You can email me anytime in-between sessions for extra support.

    You also have two 'in case of emergency' 30 minute sessions included in the program if email is not enough for the situation.

  • The program costs $2,000 for the 6-month period.

    It includes:

    • 6 one-hour coaching sessions

    • 1 one-hour goal setting session (first session)

    • Support over email

    • 2 in case of emergencies 30 minutes sessions

  • I'm so glad you're ready to improve your mindset!

    Fill in the form below, and I'll get back to you over email with the next steps (intro call, coaching agreement and payments details!)

Apply to join the program

Interested in working together? Fill out the form below.
I will get back to you to schedule a clarity call and get started!

About me

Passionate about mindset and growth, I have been supporting entrepreneurs for the past 8 years.

My clients appreciate my ability to hold space, to kindly challenge them, and to help them unlock situations fast. My approach is a mix of coaching and mentoring, where I mostly help you listen to your own intuition but when needed support you with best practices from different industries.

For more info about me and more clients’ reviews, you can visit this page. You can also read my newsletter, The Simple Mind.

The price you pay for self-doubt and overthinking. Literally!

Fill in the time you spend overthinking or self-doubting daily and your hourly rate to figure out how much not working on your mindset costs you.

Overthinking Cost Calculator